What could be the venison most suitable for your market? It might depend on the deer’s genetics, feeding method, and specification of cut.
We are more focused on developing market-friendly premium venison and supplying the cuts with the farmer’s or customer’s brand name.
The real quality of deer velvet might vary depending on the deer’s genetics, feeding method, and cutting time.
We are more focused on supplying quality velvets with the farmer’s or customer’s brand name.
Do you prefer to or look for deer velvet that is produced from any specific genetic?
New Zealand Deer Industry has developed VelTrak that enables NZ velvet to be traced each step of the way from the farm to the market. It is a fully electronic and web-based system. If you can try to find any information by scanning the code on the velvet and let us know, it could be much help to identify the genetics of deer required for your prefered velvet.
Do you believe that the velvets, cut from the stag with a special feeding method, can be nutritionally specialised or superior?
Research indicates that the feeding method of deer is considerably important for the real quality of deer velvet. If you have knowledge of special feeding and want to obtain deer velvets that are grown in such a way, we would like to produce the deer velvets, based on contract production, and supply them with your brand.
Do you look for earlier-cut or special-shaped velvets?
In general, earlier-cut deer velvet yields higher-quality sections as much as it does, and in a certain market, the shape of the deer velvet can be very important. You may obtain such deer velvets based on a contract production through us.